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Reviews play a critical role in ensuring that Lanser’s on Main remains focussed and on point with regards to offering the best possible meal experience to all of our guests. Every review, no matter the platform, is read and discussed by the team and personally responded to by Lanser. We’re alway grateful for the time taken to post a review.

From the first day we opened our doors 4 years ago, we set ourselves the goal of becoming Bryanston’s Favourite Bistro, by reaching the number 1 position on Tripadvisor. Having your guests review you into the number 1 place is the greatest compliment a restaurant / bistro can ever receive. We’re very proud that just after one year we reached the number one position, and have kept it ever since.


On 3 May 2022, Tripadvisor is running their annual Write a Review Day, where they invite all the properties on TripAdvisor to invite their guests to send in a review of their last experience.

We’d be grateful if you’d join us in supporting this initiative. Click here to write a review on TripAdvisor of your last meal experience at Lanser’s on Main.